Philip Friesen



福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:菲利普.弗里森/Philip Friesen

聚餐时间/Meeting Date:2018年3月17日 (周六晚上Saturday Evening 6:00PM)

信息主题/Theme: 为什么我们需要耶稣基督?/Why we really need Jesus?

聚会地点/Meeting Place:Parkers Lake Baptist Church (PLBC)

聚会地址/Meeting Address:14720 County Road 6, PlymouthMN 55447



  • 6:00-7:30: 聚餐/Dinner

  • 7:35-9:00: 唱诗和信息/Hymns Singing and Message

讲员简介:  菲利普.弗里森


Introduction of Speaker: Philip Friesen

Philip is a missionary to international students at the University of Minnesota through the Stadium Village Church. He also serves as Fellow of Global Perspectives with a group of scholars called Galilean Fellows. He recently published a book called The Old Testament Roots of Nonviolence. His other writings can be accessed at:


 信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:

为什么现在每个国家都有学校制度,医疗保健制度和某种人文服务?两百年前没有这样的事情。耶稣来了,他不但治病救人,悉心教导,并且关注穷人, 他的门徒也是这样做的。回顾过去200年来在全世界开办学校,医院和照顾穷人的人基本都是相信耶稣的人。当今世界的每个人都受到耶稣来到这里时在世界上所产生的强大影响力的影响。两千年后的今天,我们仍然受益于他的影响力。耶稣使公义(正义)真正变为可能! 公义是我们与宇宙中其他一切事物之间正确关系的结构或网络 – 是与上帝,其他人以及地球本身关系

是耶稣在世界不断增长的所有民族中建立了正确的关系网络(正义)。比较美国如今的宪法在改进虐待歧视方面依然失败,而耶稣却早在2000年前已经做得更好。虽然中国在过去的20年里发展非常迅速,但你我也都明白那里依然有数百万中国人被排除在生活富足之外。中国再强也有失败的一面。所以我们中国人也都需要耶稣! 耶稣是正义的起点,也就是与上帝,地球和周围所有人保持良好关系的结构或网络。因自满而骄傲会被群体排斥而孤立,而上帝如此的全能却从没有离弃任何人,甚至对最恶毒的敌人也没有。圣经说,骄傲是跌倒的前奏。 如果你不与耶稣联系,最终将是妄活。你可能会在某段时间里受益,但却不能受益于国家或世界,并且永远错失与耶稣在一起的永生。

 Why does every nation today have a school system, a health care system, and some kind of human services? Two hundred years ago there was no such thing. When Jesus came he healed, he taught, and he gave attention to the poor. His disciples did the same, and the people who started schools, hospitals, and cared for the poor worldwide in the past 200 years were the people who believe in Jesus. Beijing University was part of what Christian faith brought to the world. Everyone in the world today has been affected by the powerful influence Jesus made in the world when he was here. Two thousand years later we still benefit from his influence.
What Jesus made possible was RIGHTEOUSNESS
RIGHTEOUSNESS defined is a fabric or network of right relationships between us and everything else in the universe–that is with God, other people, and the earth itself. 

Jesus created a network of right relationships (righteousness) among all peoples that is still growing in the world. Where the American constitution fell short in changing the abuse, Jesus has done better.  China has prospered marvelously in the last 20 years, but I know and you know that millions of Chinese have still been left out.  China has also fallen short. So we all need Jesus!.

Jesus is the essential starting point for having righteousness, that is, a fabric or network of good relationships with God, with the earth, and with everyone around you.

Pride in self achievement leaves people out, but God leaves no one out, not even the worst enemy.  And Pride comes before a fall, the Bible says.
 If you don’t connect with Jesus, you will fade away in the end. You will benefit yourself for awhile, but you won’t benefit your country or the world, and you’ll miss eternity with Jesus.