About Us/认识我们

世界上每个地方都有华人勤奋的身影, 世界上每个角落都有上帝对华人数算不尽的恩典与爱。我们这一群来自中国大陆、台湾和东南亚的海外华人,因着基督耶稣的拯救,为着见证并传扬祂奇妙的作为,成立了双城西区基督教会。





God’s immeasurable grace and love is manifested toward the Chinese community in every corner of the world. We, as Chinese from China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia, saved by Christ Jesus, have founded West Metro Chinese Church in order to proclaim the wonderful works of our great God. 


Our church’s history can be traced back to a monthly fellowship twenty years ago. As a church plant of TCCCC, we became Independent on Sep 24, 2017. As a church, we are eager to respond to God’s great love with our commitment to proclaiming Jesus and making disciples, and we desire to become a blessing to the Chinese community in the west suburb of the Twin Cities!


If you would like to know more about Jesus, or if you are looking for a church, we sincerely invite you to WMCC, and experience God’s amazing grace with us! May God bless you!