福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:高其倬弟兄
聚餐时间/Meeting Date:2017年5月13日 (周六晚上Saturday Evening 6:00PM)
信息主题/Theme: 知“死”,而后“生”! One must truly understand “death” to be able to “live”
聚会地点/Meeting Place:Parkers Lake Baptist Church (PLBC)
聚会地址/Meeting Address>:14720 County Road 6, Plymouth, MN 55447
- 6:00-7:30: 聚餐/Dinner
- 7:35-9:00: 唱诗和信息/Singingalone and Message
信息内容简介/Introduction of Speech:
人在这世界上的生命是有限的,但被忙碌的生活所左右 的人们,却很少思考人生的有限与生命的意义,只有当人走向生命的 尽头时,才会对发出对生命渴望,对自己人生的沉思, 甚至是悔恨与遗憾。希望可以借着这篇信息让大家站在人生的坐标的 终点,来思考我们从何而活,如何而活,以及为何而活。做到知“ 死”,而后“生”。
Man’s life in this world is limited, but people with a busy life think about little on the meaning of life, only when those come to the end of life will generate the desire for life, meditation on his life, or even remorse and regret. Hope that through this information so that we can stand on the coordinates of the end of life, and to think about why we live, how we live, and live for what purpose. One must truly understand “death” to be able to “live”!