Let us give thanks to the Lord together!
福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:牧师丹约翰逊/Pastor Dan Johnson
聚餐时间/Meeting address: 2018年11月17日 (周六晚上Saturday Evening 4:30PM)
信息主题/Theme:生活在生命的永恒之光中/Living in the Light of Eternity
聚会地点/Meeting Place:Parkers Lake Baptist Church (PLBC)
聚会地址/Meeting Address:
14720 County Road 6, Plymouth, MN 55447
- 4:30-6:00: 包饺子/Making dumping
- 6:00-7:30: 聚餐/Dinner
- 7:35-9:00: 唱诗和信息/Hymns Singing and Message
讲员简介: 丹约翰逊牧师
丹牧师在明尼苏达州中部的一个小农场长大,在上帝的召唤下他毅然成为一名全职基督徒,当时正在信息技术领域中发展个人的事业。 40年前当他还在伯特利大学时,遇见了他可爱的妻子辛迪,在上帝丰富地祝福下,他们有了四个孩子,两个孙子和一堆奇妙难忘的回忆。几十年间他们曾在梅尔福特,萨斯喀彻温省和不列颠哥伦比亚省的尼尔森为教堂服务,终于在 2002年接到普利茅斯圣约教堂的邀请来到PCC做牧师。牧师丹夫妇工作之余都喜欢享受乐趣,环游世界,尝试新奇的食物和喝大量咖啡。”丹牧师咖啡”在每个星期天的服务中都是极受欢迎的一种!
Introduction of Speaker: Pastor Dan Johnson
Pastor Dan grew up on a small farm in central Minnesota and went to
pursue an IT career when God called him into a full-time Christian
ministry. He met Cindy, his lovely wife for over 40 years, while
attending Bethel University. God has richly blessed them with four
children, two grandchildren and a pile of marvelous memories. They have served churches in Melfort, Saskatchewan, and Nelson, British Columbia before accepting a call to Plymouth Covenant Church in 2002. Pastor Dan and Cindy both enjoy having fun, travelling the world, trying new food and drinking lots of coffee. “Pastor Dan’s coffee ” is the most popular blend during every Sunday service in PCC!
信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:
3 凡 事 都 有 定 期 , 天 下 万 务 都 有 定 时
11 神 造 万 物 , 各 按 其 时 成 为 美 好 , 又 将 永 生 ( 原 文 是 永 远 ) 安 置 在 世 人 心 里 。 然 而 神 从 始 至 终 的 作 为 , 人 不 能 参 透 。
Living in the Light of Eternity
Ecclesiastes 3. While there is a time for everything in our
lives, yet we still long for something more, something different. God
has set “eternity” in our hearts and we long for something that truly lasts.