
福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:鲍勃博士/Dr. Bob Osburn

聚餐时间/Meeting Date2018年2月17日 (周六晚上Saturday Evening 4:00PM)

信息主题/Theme 世界观—怎样以及为何我们必须学习一个真实的故事(引于《一个真实的故事》描述从创世论到基督的故事)/Worldviews: How We Can and Why We Must Learn the One True Story”

聚会地点/Meeting Place:Parkers Lake Baptist Church (PLBC)

聚会地址/Meeting Address:14720 County Road 6, PlymouthMN 55447



  • 4:00-7:30: 包饺子,联谊,聚餐/Dinner

  • 7:35-9:00: 唱诗和信息/Hymns Singing and Message

讲员简介: 鲍勃博士

鲍勃博士拥有明尼苏达大学国际教育博士学位(2005年),他还曾在组织领导,政策和发展部担任七年兼职讲师。 他在密歇根大学获得学士学位后(1973年)于1978年在达拉斯神学院获得了基督教教育的ThM。他在明尼苏达大学的国际学生和学术部门工作了32年,并成功发起了1998年世界观之世界治愈观研讨会,挑战和激励国际学生在基督教世界观的基础上更深层的社会需求。他与苏珊结婚了42年,并且是四个儿子的父亲。

Introduction of Speaker: Dr. Bob Osburn

Dr. Bob Osburn, Executive Director
Bob Osburn has a PhD in international education from the University of Minnesota (2005), where he also was an adjunct lecturer for seven years in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development. In 1978 he earned his ThM in Christian education at Dallas Theological Seminary, after earning a BA from the University of Michigan (1973). He has spent 32 years serving in international student and academic ministry at the University of Minnesota, and successfully launched the 1998 World View for World Healing Conference that challenged international students to engage the deepest needs of their societies on the basis of a Christian worldview. He has been married to Susan for 42 years, and is the father of four sons


信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:




We all carry worldviews in our minds. These worldviews are big stories about reality that cause us to ask questions like: What is ultimate? What does it mean to be human? How should we live? What is the fundamental human problem? What is the solution to that problem?

There are about 12 main stories, and most of us carry one main story, or a combination of several. But, how can we know that the story we carry around in our mind is true? The 12 stories are so different from each other that all cannot be true. We will learn some principles for determining the True Story as opposed to the many false alternatives.

That leads to one final question: Why does it matter that we come to believe the one True Story? Because the false stories offer false diagnoses of the human condition, for which we then give false and deadly prescriptions. By contrast, learning the True Story ensures that we learn the true diagnosis of the human problem, and thus learn the true prescription that really works to solve our deepest problem.