David Clark


福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:大卫.克拉克博士 /Dr. David Clark

聚餐时间/Meeting address:  2018年5月19日 (周六晚上Saturday Evening 6:00PM)

信息主题/Theme 上帝是我们在天上的父/God is Our Father in Heaven

聚会地点/Meeting Place:Parkers Lake Baptist Church (PLBC)

聚会地址/Meeting Address:

       14720 County Road 6, PlymouthMN 55447



  • 6:00-7:30: 聚餐/Dinner

  • 7:35-9:00: 唱诗和信息/Hymns Singing and Message

讲员简介: Dr.  David K Clark

1988年,大卫.克拉克及其家人搬到明尼苏达州,在伯特利神学院任教。他曾在伯特利大学担任高级领导并同时致力于教会的施工与服事。现在他刚刚从副总裁兼伯特利神学院院长的职位上退休下来。在他担任教职的几年中,他写了八本书和几十篇文章。他还曾是几个董事会的成员,包括InterVarsity Christian Fellowship国家委员会成员。他现在通过咨询和公开演讲为更广泛的为教会服务。


Introduction of Speaker: Dr.  David K Clark

David Clark and his family moved to Minnesota in 1988 to teach at Bethel Seminary. He has served in senior leadership in a church and at Bethel University. He just retired from his last role as VP and Dean of Bethel Seminary. During his years as faculty, he wrote eight books and dozens of articles. And he contributed as a member of several boards, including the national board of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. He now serves the wider church through consulting and public speaking.

David is married to Sandy. Together, the Clarks have two sons: Tyler, who lives in Boulder with his wife, Renee, and Ryan, who lives in the Twin Cities with his bride, Rachel. The Clarks have three grandchildren, Griffin, Norah Jane, and Theo. For fun, David enjoys golf, remodeling (he built three different homes for his family), and serious conversations about leadership, ministry, and faith.

His book: <<To Know and Love God>>

 信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:







  1. 没有任何东西首先出现,宇宙从无生有,不借助任何东西。这显然不可能。
  2. 有些东西首先出现,那是一个有限的物理能量。因此,宇宙是由于这种有限的物理力量而产生的。但是这也受到熵的规律的限制而终会衰退。因此,也是不可能的。
  3. 宇宙是永恒的,非物质的力量的结果。这实际上是唯一有意义的选择。

所以我很惊讶地发现,永恒和无限的力量是最合理的选择。然后我发现这种能力 – 这位神 – 告诉我们他是我们的父。这个大能出自造物主,他告诉我们他就像我们人类的父亲。另一方面,又好像上帝一定与我们人世间的父亲完全不同。因为上帝是我们在天堂的父亲。所以他从来都不是人类一般意义的父亲。他不是以一个人的身份出现,而是以某种方式上升到他作为上帝的地位。他永远是万物的上帝。但后来我了解到,父亲在某种程度上像我们人类的父亲,另一方面非常不像我们的人类父亲。



耶稣说:“他就像我!”换句话说,如果你看着我,你就会知道天堂里的父亲是什么样子。 所以下一个问题是:耶稣是什么样的?他向我们展示了什么?这就是我的探索故事变得真正迷人的地方。这是耶稣对自己说的。 “我是好牧人。好牧人为羊献出生命。“ 现在我开始明白我的天父和我的生父身上有什么不同。当然,我爱我的人类父亲,但也希望我牺牲自己来为他服务。儿子的主要工作是为父亲服务。 但是耶稣把这一条倒过来。他说,父神的主要工作也是神的主要工作,是为我们服务。事实上,神爱我们,尊重和尊重我们。

如果我们谦卑并以上帝的仆人的身份自居,圣经他就把我们抬起来。 所以我在这里学到了圣经神的令人震惊的现实,上帝不同于曾经存在的任何父亲。 科学证据指向他难以置信的力量和他永恒的存在。 但耶稣基督的见证指出了祂自我牺牲的爱。 我不知道你对圣经中启示的神的儿子耶稣基督的看法。你们中有些人可能相信基督。你们中的其他人可能认为科学反驳了上帝。你们中的其他人可能会疑惑,可能对所有这些事情感到困惑。 我可以给你提供建议吗?你应该自己去检查一下。 试想一下,耶稣是对的。想象一下,他来为我们献出自己的生命。想象一下,他实际上向我们展示了天堂中的父亲是什么样的。 如果这一切都是真的,你会不想更多地了解他?我当初开始研究这些事情时是出于我的好奇,但我越来越惊喜于我的发现。 我相信如果你愿意进一步了解,你会发现我找到的。你只要了解更多信息而不必做任何其它事情。如果你这样做,我预测我们的天父上帝也一定会让你感到惊喜。

God is Our Father in Heaven

It is common knowledge that human beings have a duty to respect parents and ancestors.

All cultures know that we should respect and protect our parents good name, we should support parents them, show love and courtesy, advise them well, and display proper sorrow at their misfortune or death.

Our responsibility to parents and ancestors is a basic human duty that some cultures understand particularly well. I was born in Asia to American parents. I encountered many Chinese people during my years of growing up. I learned that Chinese people, among all the peoples of the world, have a deep commitment to this basic human principle. I don’t know of any peoples who surpass the Chinese in their understanding of this crucial principle. Indeed, through the example of Chinese people, I learned the importance of respect for my elders from an early age.

For this reason, as I grew up and began to learn about Christianity, I was intrigued to learn that Jesus Christ calls the God of the Bible “Father.” This is a very interesting and provocative title. I wondered for a long time about what it might mean.

The more I began to explore what it means to be a Christian, the more surprised I became. And the more I understood about God, the more surprised I became. And I would like to share with you tonight the surprising things I learned about God who calls himself “Father.”

On the one hand, it seems as though God must be like our human father. After all, there must be a reason this image is used as a title for God. Just as a human father is the source of my being, so God is the Creator and the ultimate source of my being.

Now why would anyone think that there’s an eternal God who is the Creator, the source of all things? Doesn’t science prove that God does not exist?

Well, this is one of the things that surprised me. Scientific evidence suggests that the universe had a beginning. Before the Big Bang, there was nothing. How did something come out of nothing? And the special problem here is that the universe is subject to a scientific principle called entropy. That means it’s winding down as a watch spring winds down. No physical universe can be eternal.

The universe, therefore, has a beginning. But that raises another question: Which came first, something or nothing?

We only have a couple of options:

  1. Nothing came first, and the universe came into existence out of nothing, by nothing. Impossible.
  2. Something came first, and that was a limited, physical universe. Thus, the universe came into existence as the result of this limited, physical power. But that’s also subject to the law of entropy. Therefore, impossible.
  3. The universe came into existence as the result of an eternal, non-physical power. This is actually the only option that makes sense.

So I was surprised to learn that the existence of an eternal and infinite power is the most reasonable option. And then I found that this power—this God—tells us that He is our Father. This power, Who is the Creator, tells us that He is like our human father.

On the other hand, it also seems as though God must be quite unlike our human father. For God is our Father in Heaven. So he was never a human father. He did not start as a human being and somehow ascend to his place as God. He has always been, eternally, the God of all things.

But then I learned that the Father who is in some ways like our human father, is in another way very much not like our human Father.

This became clear in John 14. Philip said, “Show us the Father.” And Jesus said, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.”

Here’s the most shocking thing of all. The Father in Heaven, who like our human fathers brought us into being, is also very much like Jesus. Because Jesus was the special Son of God who put God on display.

Well, that answer just led me to another question. What is God the Father in heaven like?

Jesus said, “He’s like me!” In other words, if you look at me, you’ll know what the Father in heaven is like.

So the next question is: What is Jesus like? What is he showing us? And here’s where my story of exploration became truly fascinating. Here’s what Jesus says about himself.

“I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep.”

Now I began to understand how my Father in Heaven was so different than my human father. I do love my human father, of course, but also I was expected to sacrifice myself to serve him. The main job of the son is to serve the father.

But Jesus turned that on its head. He said that the main job of the Father, the main job of God, was to serve us. In fact, God loves and respects and honors us.

If we are humble and take our proper place as the servant of God, the Bible does not say God simply receives what we give only to ask for me. No, the Bible says that if we properly humble ourselves before God, he lifts us up.

So here I learned the shocking reality of the God of the Bible. He is like no other Father that has ever existed.

Scientific evidence points to His incredible power and His eternal existence.

But the witness of Jesus Christ points to His self-sacrificing love.

I don’t know your thoughts about Jesus Christ, the Son of God, revealed in the Bible. Some of you may believe in Christ. Others of you may have thought that science disproves God. Others of you may be wondering, may be in a state of confusion about all these things.

May I offer you advice? You owe it to yourself to check this out for yourself.

Just imagine for a moment that Jesus is right. Imagine that he came to give his life for us. And imagine that in so doing, he actually shows us what the Father in Heaven is like.

If all that is true, would you not want to know more about it? I know I was curious. As I began to study these things, I was surprised by what I learned.

I predict that, if you take a step to explore, you will find what I found. You don’t have to do anything except learn more. If you do, I predict that the God who is Our Heavenly Father will surprise you as well.