

福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:朱景良牧师/Pastor Mike Chu

聚餐时间/Meeting address:  2021年4月17日 (周六晚上 Saturday  Evening 7:30PM)

  • 7:30-8:00: 唱诗/Hymns Singing
  • 7:30-8:45: 信息/ Message

信息主题/Theme:父神的愛何其深長/How Deep the Father’s Love for Us

聚会地点/Meeting Place:

  •   Zoom ID:  678 125 8289
  •   Password: 1

讲员简介: 朱景良牧师

朱景良牧师出生在香港, 13岁时信主得救。就读于明大计算机专业。于1992年与夫人喜结良缘。他从1988年到2002年一直担任计算机程序员。2002年,他们在主的感召下进入明尼苏达州中央浸信会神学院深造, 于2006年6月4日被万国浸信会按立为牧师。自2008年以来,他一直担任3CW的牧师。

Speaker: Pastor Mike Chu

Mike was born in Hong Kong and was saved when he was 13. He came to the University of Minnesota for his Computer Science degree. In 1992, he married to Audrey Sau-man Chu. He worked as a computer programmer from 1988 till 2002. God called them in 2002 and they entered the M Div. program of Central Baptist Theological Seminary, MN. Mike was ordained by All Nations Baptist Church on June 4, 2006. He has been serving as the pastor of 3CW since 2008.

信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:

父神的愛何其深長/  約 翰 福 音 3:16

16 「 神 爱 世 人 , 甚 至 将 他 的 独 生 子 赐 给 他 们 , 叫 一 切 信 他 的 , 不 至 灭 亡 , 反 得 永 生 。


How Deep the Father’s Love for Us

John 3:16         New International Version

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

How deep is father’s love for us? The bible tells us that God LOVED us first. It doesn’t matter who we are or what we’ve done – God loves us with an unfailing, never-ending, relentless love. He demonstrated that love for us on the cross while we were far from Him. He calls our name. He pursues us. He forgives us. He loves us and welcomes us home. He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in us, and us in him, according to the grace of our God.