

  • 5月15日 周六晚上7:30-8:00: 唱诗
  • 5月15日 周六晚上7:30-8:45: 信息: 一场充满意外的会面

聚会地点/Meeting Place:

  •   Zoom ID:  678 125 8289
  •   Password: 1


  • 周博弟兄/Brother Bo Zhou
  • 周博弟兄从小在中国大陆出生长大。2004年,刚毕业的他被神带到明尼苏达继续深造。从那开始,短短几年的时间里,他先是首次听到了福音、然后开始参加教会聚会、逐渐认识到自己的罪、蒙神恩典信主得救、心思意念被主改变、并对服侍教会产生了强烈的渴慕。于是,神在四年前带他去到洛杉矶,在恩主神学院开始了全面系统的神学培训。感谢神,上周他刚刚顺利毕了业,并将于下个月与妻子孩子一同前往神为他们预备的禾场——圣路易斯华人教会开始全时间牧会的服侍.
  • Brother Zhou Bo was born and raised in Mainland China. In 2004, he was taken by God to Minnesota to continue his studies right after his graduation.  It took only few years, from the first time he heard the gospel,  began to attend church meetings, gradually realized his sins, he finally accepted the Lord as his personal savior. His mind and thoughts have been changed, he also developed a strong desire to serve the church. Four years ago God took him to Los Angeles and began a comprehensive and systematic theological training at the Benevolent Theological Seminary. Thank God, he’s graduated successfully last week. Next month he and his family will move on and join a Chinese Church in St. Louis, to begin his full-time pastoral service.