福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:姜子金牧师 /Pastor Jiangzi Jin
聚餐时间/Meeting address: 2021年7月17日 (周六晚上 Saturday Evening 7:30PM)
- 7:30-8:00: 唱诗/Hymns Singing
- 7:30-8:45: 信息/ Message
信息主题/Theme:“偷尝禁果”的信仰解读/An Interpretation of the Belief in “Taste the Forbidden Fruit”
聚会地点/Meeting Place:
- Zoom ID: 678 125 8289
- Password: 1
讲员简介: 姜子金牧师

Introduction to Speaker: Pastor Jiangzi Jin
A preacher from mainland China. Pastor Jiang graduated from Nanjing Union Theological Seminary in 2001. He is a full-time pastor in the country to establish the Christian House of God’s Love Church. He committed to shepherding with a vision of God, love, and family, He and his wife are both preachers and have two sons. “As for me and my family, we must serve the Lord”. In 2019, he went to the United States to study and be equipped at the Christian Witness Theological Seminary (CWTS) .
信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:
“Taste the forbidden fruit” refers to those who know they are wrong but can’t stand the temptation to do it. This allusion comes from the Bible. What is its true intention? How do we understand the fall of the first ancestor Adam and Eve at the beginning of mankind, and the temptations that we often face today. Let us take advantage of the weekend evangelism opportunity to discuss such an important event and theme in the Bible together, and bring the direction and motivation of life to every one of us Christians today.