讲员简介: 贺瑞容弟兄
Ruirong He and his wife Huaiyu Peng are good cooks from Hunan Province, China. The most famous human spicy chicken is a highlight of the weekend gatherings. They have two Children, a daughter and a son, all live in Minneasota for more than ten years. Apart from his work, he not only devoted himself to the construction of Chinese churches, but also worked hard to build a bridge for global learning alliances come United States to complete their studying dream.
信息内容简介: 永恒的盼望
神是我们永恒的盼望,他有丰盛的怜悯与慈爱,我们信靠他,他就与我同在,他的杖他的竿都安慰着我。诗篇告诉我们:“我的心哪,你当默默无声,专等候神,因为我的盼望是从他而来。”(诗62:5) 是的,“主–耶和华啊,你是我所盼望的;从我年幼,你是我所依靠的。”(诗71:5