福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:
安德烈亚斯·斯坦教授/Professor Andreas Stein

2023年3月18日 (周六晚上Saturday Evening 6:00PM)
- 6:00-7:30: 联谊, 聚餐/Mingle and Dinner
- 7:30-8:00: 唱诗/Hymns Singing
- 8:00-8:45: 信息/ Message
我们的上帝有多好?——摩利亚山的故事/ How Good is Our God?—The Mount Moriah Story
- Zoom ID: 678 125 8289
- Address:
14720 County Rd 6,
Plymouth, MN55447

讲员简介: 安德烈亚斯·斯坦教授
安德烈亚斯·斯坦教授获得了理学学士学位。 1986 年在卡尔加里大学获得化学学位,并在多伦多大学与 Geoff Ozin 教授一起完成研究生工作,专攻沸石材料的合成和表征。 1991 年获得博士学位后,他作为 NSERC 博士后研究员加入德国拜耳公司企业研究实验室的先进无机材料小组,随后在得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和宾夕法尼亚州立大学跟随 Tom Mallouk 教授进行博士后研究。 1994 年,他加入了明尼苏达大学,现在是默克大学教授和麦克奈特大学杰出化学教授。 斯坦 教授获得了多个奖项,包括 Merck 化学教授职位、3M 教职员工奖学金、Dupont Young 教授奖学金、NSF 职业奖、McKnight Land-Grant 教授职位以及著名的 David & Lucile Packard 奖学金。他一直是 Chemistry of Materials 的编辑顾问委员会成员,目前是 Advanced Functional Materials 和 Particles 的顾问委员会成员。他被汤森路透评为 2000 年至 2010 年间最具影响力的前 100 名材料科学家(第 27 名),并在 Thomson Scientific 的 ISIHighlyCited.com(2014 年)中被列为高被引材料科学家。
Professor Stein obtained his B.Sc. degree in chemistry at the University of Calgary in 1986 and carried out his graduate work with Professor Geoff Ozin at the University of Toronto, specializing in the synthesis and characterization of zeolite materials. After earning his Ph.D. degree in 1991, he joined the Advanced Inorganic Materials group at the corporate research labs of Bayer A.G. in Germany as an NSERC postdoctoral fellow, followed by postdoctoral research with Professor Tom Mallouk at both the University of Texas, Austin, and at Penn State University. In 1994 he joined the faculty at the University of Minnesota, where he is now a Merck Professor and Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Chemistry. Professor Stein is the recipient of several awards, including a Merck Professorship in Chemistry, a 3M Faculty Grant, a Dupont Young Professor Grant, an NSF CAREER Award, a McKnight Land-Grant Professorship, and a prestigious David & Lucile Packard Fellowship. He has been on the editorial advisory board for Chemistry of Materials and is currently on the advisory boards for Advanced Functional Materials and for Particles. He is listed among the Top 100 Materials Scientists (#27) for impact during 2000–2010 by Thomson Reuters and as Highly Cited Materials Scientist in Thomson Scientific’s ISIHighlyCited.com (2014).
For more information about his honors and awards, please click here
信息内容简介: 我们的上帝有多好?—摩利亚山的故事
How Good is Our God?—The Mount Moriah Story
一月初,我有机会第一次访问以色列。这次访问使圣经对我来说栩栩如生。我看到了耶稣在伯利恒的出生地,他在拿撒勒的故乡,他在加利利传道的地方,以及他为耶路撒冷哭泣的地方(路加福音 19:41-44)。这是从同一地点看到的旧耶路撒冷的景色。
今天从这个视图中脱颖而出的一个特征是您在我头右侧看到的金色圆顶。这是圆顶清真寺,完工于公元 692 年,与阿克萨清真寺有关。但是在这个圆顶下还有很多其他的历史。它建在耶路撒冷圣殿的遗址上,该圣殿在公元前一世纪由希律王重建,并于公元 70 年被罗马帝国摧毁。在此之前,该遗址是公元前10世纪所罗门统治下建造的圣殿,后于公元前586年被新巴比伦帝国摧毁,后来在犹太人流放归来后重建。但在此之前的许多年,大约 4000 年前,另一个重要事件发生在据信是同一地点的地方:当上帝要求亚伯拉罕在摩利亚山上牺牲自己的儿子时,亚伯拉罕捆绑了以撒。

今天,我想重点谈谈这个事件。原因是去年我儿子与一位想了解更多基督教的朋友进行了讨论。他的朋友提出了一个尖锐而诚实的问题:“慈爱的上帝怎么能要求父亲杀死他的孩子?上帝怎么能测试这样的人?这不违反上帝的诫命吗?这样的上帝你还能称得上好吗?” ?”这个问题的答案会揭示很多关于上帝品格的信息,所以我相信这对我们也很重要。
How Good is Our God?—The Mount Moriah Story
In early January, I had the opportunity to visit Israel for the first time. This visit made the Bible come to life for me. I saw Jesus’s birthplace in Bethlehem, his family hometown in Nazareth, places where he preached in Galilee, and the site from which he wept over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41–44). Here is a view from the same site looking at Old Jerusalem.
One feature that stands out from this view today is the golden dome you see to the right of my head. This is the Dome of the Rock, which was completed in 692 AD and is associated with the al-Aqsa Mosque. But there lies a lot of other history underneath this dome. It was built on the site of the Jerusalem Temple that was renovated by King Herod during the first century before Christ and destroyed by the Roman Empire in 70 AD. Before that, the site was that of the Temple constructed under Solomon in the tenth century BC, which was then destroyed in 586 BC by the Neo-Babylonian Empire and later rebuilt after the Jews returned from their exile. But many years before that, about 4000 years ago, another important event occurred at what is believed to be the same site: the binding of Isaac by Abraham when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his own son on Mount Moriah.

Today, I want to focus on this event. The reason for that is that last year my son had a discussion with a friend who is seeking to find out more about Christianity. His friend asked the tough but honest question: “How can a loving God ask a father to kill his child? How can God test a person like this? Isn’t this in conflict with God’s commandments? Can you still call such a God good?” An answer to this question would reveal a lot about the character of God, so I believe that it is important for us, too.
16 「 神爱世人, 甚至将他的独生子赐给他们, 叫一切信他的, 不至灭亡, 反得永生。 Read full chapter · 約翰福音3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” —John 3:16
约翰福音 3:3
Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” –John 3:3