

福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:

聚餐时间/Meeting address:  


聚会地点/Meeting Place:


 讲员简介: 安迪弟兄 



After graduating from Peking University in 1988, Brother Andy has been engaged in the research and development of IT smart products for 30 years. During the 17 years being in USA, knowing and following Jesus Christ has been his greatest gain. After surrendering to the Lord, he has always been enthusiastic and grateful, and he is looking forward to going to the Holy Land to experience the Lord’s deeds. Three weeks ago his dream finally became true. “I feel deeply, and eagerly look forward to sharing it with all brothers, sisters and friends. I need your prayer too…” , brother Endi said.

信息内容简介: 圣地之旅见证分享


Testimony Sharing after a Biblical Tour to Holy Land Isreal


加拉太书 6:16

哥林多前书 9:22-23 和合本

罗马书 11:26