Larry Siekawitch


福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:拉里·西卡维奇牧师/Pastor Larry Siekawitch

聚餐时间/Meeting address:  2021年2月20日 (周六晚上 Saturday  Evening 7:30PM)

  • 7:30-8:00: 唱诗/Hymns Singing
  • 7:30-8:45: 信息/ Message

信息主题/Theme:坏消息和好消息:以弗所书  2:1-1 0 / The bad news and the good news

聚会地点/Meeting Place:

  •   Zoom ID:  678 125 8289
  •   Password: 1

讲员简介: 拉里·西卡维奇牧师

拉里·西卡维奇牧师是Harvest教会的高级牧师,负责教会的各个方面。 拉里牧师于2009年10月加入Harvest。他拥有威尔士班戈大学历史神学博士学位。他热衷于门徒训练,教书,讲道和回答圣经问题。他爱好读书,打高尔夫球,远足, 并享受与妻子,家人共度的家庭时光。


Introduction to Speaker: Pastor Larry Siekawitch

Pastor Larry Siekawitch is the Senior Pastor at Harvest and oversees all aspects of the church. Pastor Larry joined Harvest as Senior Pastor in October 2009. Pastor Larry has his doctorate in Historical Theology from Bangor University, Wales. He loves to disciple, teach, preach and answer Bible questions. His hobbies are reading, golf and hiking plus spending time with his wife and family .

For Pastor Larry’s personal testimony click here.

信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:

坏消息和好消息:以弗所书  2:1-10

在找到适当的治疗方法之前,正确的诊断必不可少。佛教徒– 问题是欲望,用启示作为冶疗;伊斯兰教–问题是不屈服,治愈是不屈 5个支柱;印度教–问题是因果报应,治愈是禁欲主义;无神论既没问题也没有 治愈; 人文主义–问题是缺乏教育,解决方案是教育和政治;基督教– 问题是罪,解决是通过耶稣得救。首先,我们需要知道问题所在,然后我们 需要治愈,最后我们需要接受治愈。从阅读中既看到坏消息 又读到好消息,消化吸收最后收到好消息。

世界的问题是罪。我们每个人或者为我们的罪恶付出代价,这就是 死亡和地狱,或者我们可以通过对耶稣的信仰而获得永生的免费礼物。你必须 做出决定。也必须了解坏消息,从而悔改,并获得 好消息。耶稣是唯一适当的治疗方法。世界就是那么糟糕,上帝就是那么美好。

The bad news and the good news: Ephesians 2:1-10

A proper diagnosis is essential before the appropriate cure can be discovered. Buddhist –
problem is desire, cure is enlightenment; Islam – problem is no submission, cure is submission to 5 pillars; Hinduism – problem is karma, cure is asceticism; Atheism – no problem and no cure; humanism – problem is lack of education, solution is education and politics; Christianity – problem is sin, solution is salvation through Jesus. First, we need to know the problem, then we need to want to be cured, and finally we need to receive the cure. Read passage. Bad news, good news, receive the good news.

The problem with the world is sin. Each of us can either pay the penalty for our sin, which is
death and hell, or we can receive the free gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus. You must
decide. You must understand the bad news, repent of your part in the bad news, and receive the good news. Jesus is the only proper cure; the world is that bad, and God is that good.