福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:何昌礼弟兄/Brother Chamali He
聚餐时间/Meeting address: 2018年10月20日 (周六晚上Saturday Evening 6:00PM)
信息主题/Theme: 一件可信的事/A Trustworthy Thing
聚会地点/Meeting Place:Parkers Lake Baptist Church (PLBC)
聚会地址/Meeting Address:
14720 County Road 6, Plymouth, MN 55447
6:00-7:30: 聚餐/Dinner
7:35-9:00: 唱诗和信息/Hymns Singing and Message
讲员简介: 何昌礼弟兄
Introduction of Speaker: Brother Changli He
Brother He Changli graduated from Tongji University in Shanghai. After studying at the National University of Singapore and obtained a master’s degree in mechantronics, he eventually came to the United States with his family. With her lovely wife, they have three sons, and live in Minneapolis. After work brother Changli also dedicate in serving the God in West Metro Chinese Church.
信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:
因为人心里相信,就可以称义,心里承认,就可以得救。(罗马书 10:10)
经上说,凡信他的人,必不会羞愧。(罗马书 10:11)
A Trustworthy Thing
Romans 10:9-11