福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:
讲员简介: 蒋永进弟兄
Jiang Yongjin, Ph.D. in Physics, has been teaching and researching theoretical physics for a long time, and recently turned into a data scientist. He first heard the Gospel back in 2007 and baptized in two years. He always feel fascinated by some of the comparable concepts in quantum theory and Christian theology. In this lecture, for the first time, Yongjin will have the courage to share some collation and discoveries from the perspective of comparison over the years, as well as some thoughts and passions about faith. In addition, two personal life stories will be shared that contain real experiences of God’s sovereignty and grace.
信息内容简介: 量子论和基督信仰的若干对照
Contrasts between Quantum Theory and Christianity
圣经声称在创造中可以看到上帝的杰作(诗篇 19:1;罗马书 1:20)。现代物理学的早期先驱大多是有神论者,尤其是基督徒,他们并不认为自己的发现是在消灭上帝。相反,他们认为它们是在阐明上帝的方法。 John Polkinghorne 就是一个例子,特别是涉及量子物理学。 Polkinghorne 是一位终身基督徒,他是负责发现被称为夸克的亚核粒子的科学家之一,夸克是量子模型的关键部分。他在剑桥任教 25 年后退休,以成为一名英国国教牧师。他的科学资历如此之高,以至于即使是咄咄逼人的反有神论者,比如理查德·道金斯,也无法将他的信仰视为错觉或混乱。
福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:朱景良牧师/Pastor Mike Chu
聚餐时间/Meeting address: 2022年1月29日 (周六晚上 Saturday Evening 7:30PM)
- 7:30-8:00: 唱诗/Hymns Singing
- 8:00-8:45: 信息/ Message
信息主题/Theme:人生CP值/CP Value of the Life
聚会地点/Meeting Place: Parkers Lake Baptist Church (PLBC)
Address: 14720 County Road 6, Plymouth, MN 55447
- ID: 678 125 8289
- Password: 1
讲员简介: 朱景良牧师
朱景良牧师出生在香港, 13岁时信主得救。就读于明大计算机专业。于1992年与夫人喜结良缘。他从1988年到2002年一直担任计算机程序员。2002年,他们在主的感召下进入明尼苏达州中央浸信会神学院深造, 于2006年6月4日被万国浸信会按立为牧师。自2008年以来,他一直担任3CW的牧师。
Speaker: Pastor Mike Chu
Mike was born in Hong Kong and was saved when he was 13. He came to the University of Minnesota for his Computer Science degree. In 1992, he married to Audrey Sau-man Chu. He worked as a computer programmer from 1988 till 2002. God called them in 2002 and they entered the M Div. program of Central Baptist Theological Seminary, MN. Mike was ordained by All Nations Baptist Church on June 4, 2006. He has been serving as the pastor of 3CW since 2008.
信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:
「性價比」是近年常用的消費術語,意思是性能和價格的比例,也是所謂的CP值(cost-performance ratio)。高性價比的產品代表物有所值,甚至是物超所值,付出的價格得到極高的回報。每個人真正想要的,都源於個人的欲望。甚麼是CP值最高的人生?
12 我 轉 念 觀 看 智 慧 、 狂 妄 , 和 愚 昧 。 在 王 以 後 而 來 的 人 還 能 做 甚 麼 呢 ? 也 不 過 行 早 先 所 行 的 就 是 了 。13 我 便 看 出 智 慧 勝 過 愚 昧 , 如 同 光 明 勝 過 黑 暗 。14 智 慧 人 的 眼 目 光 明 ( 光 明 原 文 是 在 他 頭 上 ) , 愚 昧 人 在 黑 暗 裡 行 。 我 卻 看 明 有 一 件 事 , 這 兩 等 人 都 必 遇 見 。15 我 就 心 裡 說 : 愚 昧 人 所 遇 見 的 , 我 也 必 遇 見 , 我 為 何 更 有 智 慧 呢 ? 我 心 裡 說 , 這 也 是 虛 空 。16 智 慧 人 和 愚 昧 人 一 樣 , 永 遠 無 人 記 念 , 因 為 日 後 都 被 忘 記 ; 可 歎 智 慧 人 死 亡 , 與 愚 昧 人 無 異 。17 我 所 以 恨 惡 生 命 ; 因 為 在 日 光 之 下 所 行 的 事 我 都 以 為 煩 惱 , 都 是 虛 空 , 都 是 捕 風 。18 我 恨 惡 一 切 的 勞 碌 , 就 是 我 在 日 光 之 下 的 勞 碌 , 因 為 我 得 來 的 必 留 給 我 以 後 的 人 。19 那 人 是 智 慧 是 愚 昧 , 誰 能 知 道 ? 他 竟 要 管 理 我 勞 碌 所 得 的 , 就 是 我 在 日 光 之 下 用 智 慧 所 得 的 。 這 也 是 虛 空 。20 故 此 , 我 轉 想 我 在 日 光 之 下 所 勞 碌 的 一 切 工 作 , 心 便 絕 望 。21 因 為 有 人 用 智 慧 、 知 識 、 靈 巧 所 勞 碌 得 來 的 , 卻 要 留 給 未 曾 勞 碌 的 人 為 分 . 。 這 也 是 虛 空 , 也 是 大 患 。22 人 在 日 光 之 下 勞 碌 累 心 , 在 他 一 切 的 勞 碌 上 得 著 甚 麼 呢 ?23 因 為 他 日 日 憂 慮 , 他 的 勞 苦 成 為 愁 煩 , 連 夜 間 心 也 不 安 。 這 也 是 虛 空 。24 人 莫 強 如 吃 喝 , 且 在 勞 碌 中 享 福 , 我 看 這 也 是 出 於 神 的 手 。25 論 到 吃 用 、 享 福 , 誰 能 勝 過 我 呢 ?26 神 喜 悅 誰 , 就 給 誰 智 慧 、 知 識 , 和 喜 樂 ; 惟 有 罪 人 , 神 使 他 勞 苦 , 叫 他 將 所 收 聚 的 、 所 堆 積 的 歸 給 神 所 喜 悅 的 人 。 這 也 是 虛 空 , 也 是 捕 風 。
CP Value of the Life
“Cost-effectiveness” is a commonly used consumer term in recent years, which means the ratio of performance to price, which is also the so-called cost-performance ratio. Cost-effective products represent value for money, or even value for money, and the price paid is highly rewarded. What everyone really wants comes from personal desires. Well what is the life with the highest CP value?
Ecclesiastes 2:12-26 NIV
Then I turned my thoughts to consider wisdom, and also madness and folly. What more can the king’s successor do than what has already been done?13 I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.14 The wise have eyes in their heads, while the fool walks in the darkness; but I came to realize that the same fate overtakes them both. 15 Then I said to myself, “The fate of the fool will overtake me also. What then do I gain by being wise?” I said to myself, “This too is meaningless.” 16 For the wise, like the fool, will not be long remembered; the days have already come when both have been forgotten. Like the fool, the wise too must die! 17 So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. 18 I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me. 19 And who knows whether that person will be wise or foolish? Yet they will have control over all the fruit of my toil into which I have poured my effort and skill under the sun. This too is meaningless. 20 So my heart began to despair over all my toilsome labor under the sun. 21 For a person may labor with wisdom, knowledge and skill, and then they must leave all they own to another who has not toiled for it. This too is meaningless and a great misfortune. 22 What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? 23 All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless. 24 A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, 25 for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment? 26 To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:张恩迪弟兄 /Brother Endi Zhang
聚餐时间/Meeting address: 2021年11月20日 (周六晚上 Saturday Evening 7:00PM)
- 7:00-7:30: 唱诗/Hymns Singing
- 7:30-8:45: 信息/ Message
信息主题/Theme:世界谜团,解在何方?/Where to look for the Solution of the World Mysteries?
聚会地点/Meeting Place:
- Zoom ID: 678 125 8289
- Password: 1
讲员简介: 张恩迪弟兄
张恩迪弟兄1988 年毕业于北大无线电物理专业,长期从事 IT 软件与硬件的研究、开发,喜钻研现代量子物理学、古生物学、地质学、天文学、生物学等方面的科学知识,曾是只相信自己能力和科学的典型无神论者。移居美国后感觉圣经与自己的前半辈子的认知发生全面冲突;也曾一度对旧约圣经预言耶稣基督死于十字架和复活的事件深表怀疑,对圣经记载的神六天创世与古生物学寒武纪生物大爆发的年代差异而深度疑惑……于是谦卑在神的面前,学习、研究和求问,结果发现,圣经中所记载的竟然是这世界和人生的完完全全的真相——神的国度计划,令我十分震撼!接着,靠着神的恩典,反复学习、查考圣经和现代科学发现的成果,遂被圣灵大大开启和感动,于二零一七年九月受洗归信主耶稣。四年来主耶稣令我生命发生了奇妙的改变,神迹和恩典的见证常常伴随,并对传福音等事工颇有负担和热心!随着圣灵的带领,我将从神领受的真理写成了书册《不可不知的人生真相》并编写了配套的《耶稣基督门徒造就 快速课程》PPT 教程,急切与广大福音朋友和初信主的弟兄姊妹分享!
Introduction to Speaker: Brother Endi Zhang
Brother Endi graduated from Peking University in 1988 with a major in radio physics, he has been engaged in IT software and hardware research and development, he has also studied modern quantum physics, paleontology, geology, astronomy, biology and other aspects of scientific knowledge. He used to only believe in science and his own ability as a typical atheist. When moved to the United States, he felt a complete conflict between the Bible and his own perception, at one point he was deeply suspicious of the Old Testament’s prediction of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, with deep doubts about the age difference between the six-day creation of God and the outbreak of paleontological Cambrian creatures in the Bible…
After studying bible, seeking answers and humbling himself in front of God, he found that the Bible is the complete truth about this world as well as the life. He was shocked by God’s Kingdom plan! As more he learned about the bible, his mind was wider opened and his heart was further moved by the Holy Spirit! Endi was baptized in September 2017. Over the past four years, by following Jesus, he felt his life has changed, fully filled with God’s miracles and graces, he was getting more and more enthusiastic about preaching the gospel and serving for ministries.
Led by the Holy Spirit, he wrote down the words received from God into his book <<The Unknowable Truth of Life>> and also put together a quick matching PPT tutorial <<Fast Track of Disciple Training Class for Christ>> . Brother Endi is eager to share with all the friends who are seeking God at this Weekend.
信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:
这个世界有许多谜团,令人无从找到答案,如人类和宇宙万物是怎么来的?为什么人有良心而动物没有?为什么人“心比天高,命比纸薄”?为什么灾害、瘟疫、战争越来越频繁越来越严重?为什么各个国政府都像发疯了一样奔向全球经济一体化?……当我们翻开人类最古老的一部书—《圣经》,才发现原来这些世界谜团,里面都有答案!原来《圣经》早在几千年前就已经预言了今天人类的境况!也早为人类预备了“解药”!今天,让我们一起怀着谦卑的心,来翻开圣经,找到我们世界的答案,人生的答案! 起初,神创造天地。(创世记 1:1 和合本 2010)神就照着他的形像创造人,照着神的形像创造他们…神对他们说:“要生养众多,遍满这地,治理它。”(创世记 1:27-28 和合本 2010)耶和华神吩咐那人说:“园中各样树上所出的,你可以随意吃,只是知善恶的树所出的,你不可吃,因为你吃它的日子必定死!”(创世记 2:16-17 和合本 2010)自从造天地以来,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽然眼不能见,但藉着所造之物就可以了解看见,叫人无可推诿。 (罗马书 1:20 和合本 2010)“神爱世人,甚至将他独一的儿子赐给他们,叫一切信他的人不致灭亡,反得永生。 (约翰福音 3:16 和合本 2010)
福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:朱景良牧师/Pastor Mike Chu
聚餐时间/Meeting address: 2021年4月17日 (周六晚上 Saturday Evening 7:30PM)
- 7:30-8:00: 唱诗/Hymns Singing
- 7:30-8:45: 信息/ Message
信息主题/Theme:父神的愛何其深長/How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
聚会地点/Meeting Place:
- Zoom ID: 678 125 8289
- Password: 1
讲员简介: 朱景良牧师
朱景良牧师出生在香港, 13岁时信主得救。就读于明大计算机专业。于1992年与夫人喜结良缘。他从1988年到2002年一直担任计算机程序员。2002年,他们在主的感召下进入明尼苏达州中央浸信会神学院深造, 于2006年6月4日被万国浸信会按立为牧师。自2008年以来,他一直担任3CW的牧师。
Speaker: Pastor Mike Chu
Mike was born in Hong Kong and was saved when he was 13. He came to the University of Minnesota for his Computer Science degree. In 1992, he married to Audrey Sau-man Chu. He worked as a computer programmer from 1988 till 2002. God called them in 2002 and they entered the M Div. program of Central Baptist Theological Seminary, MN. Mike was ordained by All Nations Baptist Church on June 4, 2006. He has been serving as the pastor of 3CW since 2008.
信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:
父神的愛何其深長/ 約 翰 福 音 3:16
16 「 神 爱 世 人 , 甚 至 将 他 的 独 生 子 赐 给 他 们 , 叫 一 切 信 他 的 , 不 至 灭 亡 , 反 得 永 生 。
How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
John 3:16 New International Version
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
How deep is father’s love for us? The bible tells us that God LOVED us first. It doesn’t matter who we are or what we’ve done – God loves us with an unfailing, never-ending, relentless love. He demonstrated that love for us on the cross while we were far from Him. He calls our name. He pursues us. He forgives us. He loves us and welcomes us home. He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in us, and us in him, according to the grace of our God.
福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:亚瑟·希尔弟兄/Brother Arthur V. Hill
聚餐时间/Meeting address: 2020年1月18日 (周六晚上Saturday Evening 4:30PM)
信息主题/Theme:一个从圣经观点出发设计的新年目标/A Biblical view of goal setting for the new year
聚会地点/Meeting Place:Parkers Lake Baptist Church (PLBC)
聚会地址/Meeting Address:
14720 County Road 6, Plymouth, MN 55447
4:30-6:00: 包饺子/Making dumping
6:00-7:30: 聚餐/Dinner
7:35-9:00: 唱诗和信息/Hymns Singing and Message
亚瑟弟兄是卡尔森管理学院供应链和运营系的约翰/南希·林达尔教授;也是卡尔森咨询企业的学术总监。 直到最近,他还是卡尔森学院MBA课程的副院长和供应链与运营委员会主任顾问。 他在卡尔森学校获得过许多教学奖项,并在包括《商业周刊》在内的多全国性出版物中被评为优秀教师。 他先后在印第安纳大学、莫斯科管理学院、瑞士洛桑IMD国际、南非约翰内斯堡威茨大学、新加坡国立大学和胡志明市东方国际大学越南任客座教授。 他为 100 多家组织提供了运营管理咨询, 包括3M,百思买,波士顿科学,嘉吉,塞里迪安,CH罗宾逊,康明斯,达美航空,唐纳森,陶氏化学,复活节海豹/亲善,生态实验室,通用磨坊,古德里奇,家得宝,霍尼韦尔,兰德奥莱克斯,梅奥诊所,美敦力,卫理公会医院,雀巢,雷迪森,山姆古迪,圣朱德医疗,目标,汤森路透,托罗和美国银行。 他的《运营管理百科全书》 – 2018 版是世界各地许多商学院的热门文本。 他在西点军校学习了两年,然后获得了印第安纳大学的数学学士学位,随后又在普渡大学克兰纳特管理学院获得工业管理学硕士和管理学博士学位。 他致力于帮助企业为客户、股东和员工增加更多价值,并帮助卡尔森商学院 MBA 学生在教育、事业和生活中取得成功。
Introduction of Speaker: Brother Arthur V. Hill
Arthur V. Hill (Art) is the John and Nancy Lindahl Professor in the Supply Chain and Operations Department in the Carlson School of Management. He is also the Academic Director of the Carlson Consulting Enterprise. Until recently, he was the Associate Dean for MBA programs in the Carlson School and the Director for the Supply Chain & Operations Board of Advisors. He has been awarded numerous teaching awards at the Carlson School and was recognized as an outstanding instructor in several national publications including Business Week. He has been a visiting professor at Indiana University, the Moscow Institute of Management, IMD International in Lausanne Switzerland, Wits University in Johannesburg South Africa, the National University of Singapore, and Eastern International University in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam. He has provided operations management consulting for over 100 organizations, including 3M, Best Buy, Boston Scientific, Cargill, Ceridian, CH Robinson, Cummins, Delta Airlines, Donaldson, Dow Chemical, Easter Seals/Goodwill, Ecolab, General Mills, Goodrich, Home Depot, Honeywell, Land O’Lakes, Mayo Clinic, Medtronic, Methodist Hospital, Nestlé, Radisson, Sam Goody, St. Jude Medical, Target, Thomson Reuters, Toro, and US Bank. His Encyclopedia of Operations Management – 2018 Edition is a popular text at many business schools around the world. He attended West Point for two years and then earned a BA in Mathematics from Indiana University and then an MS in Industrial Administration and a PhD in Management from the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University. He is committed to helping organizations add more value to their customers, shareholders, and employees – and to helping Carlson School MBA students succeed in their education, career, and life.
信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:
25 凡较力争胜的,诸事都有节制。他们不过是要得能坏的冠冕,我们却是要得不能坏的冠冕。 26 所以,我奔跑不像无定向的,我斗拳不像打空气的。
Cor 9:25-26
Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then [do it] to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air.
福音聚会讲员/Gospel Meeting Speaker:菲利普.弗里森/Philip Friesen
聚餐时间/Meeting Date:2018年3月17日 (周六晚上Saturday Evening 6:00PM)
信息主题/Theme: 为什么我们需要耶稣基督?/Why we really need Jesus?
聚会地点/Meeting Place:Parkers Lake Baptist Church (PLBC)
聚会地址/Meeting Address:14720 County Road 6, Plymouth, MN 55447
6:00-7:30: 聚餐/Dinner
7:35-9:00: 唱诗和信息/Hymns Singing and Message
讲员简介: 菲利普.弗里森
Introduction of Speaker: Philip Friesen
Philip is a missionary to international students at the University of Minnesota through the Stadium Village Church. He also serves as Fellow of Global Perspectives with a group of scholars called Galilean Fellows. He recently published a book called The Old Testament Roots of Nonviolence. His other writings can be accessed at:
信息内容简介/Introduction to the Speech:
为什么现在每个国家都有学校制度,医疗保健制度和某种人文服务?两百年前没有这样的事情。耶稣来了,他不但治病救人,悉心教导,并且关注穷人, 他的门徒也是这样做的。回顾过去200年来在全世界开办学校,医院和照顾穷人的人基本都是相信耶稣的人。当今世界的每个人都受到耶稣来到这里时在世界上所产生的强大影响力的影响。两千年后的今天,我们仍然受益于他的影响力。是耶稣使公义(正义)真正变为可能! 公义是我们与宇宙中其他一切事物之间正确关系的结构或网络 – 是与上帝,其他
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